The Real Cost of a Bad Hire

Real Cost of a Bad Hire - featured image

Hiring is a headache. Not only is finding the right person time-consuming, it’s also expensive. The time and resources spent on trying to find the best team members for your organization extend further than just creating the job posting and making some phone calls. With a reported 12.6 million people seeking jobs in the United…

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Medical Startup Insights Webinar with Stephanie Marrus

Why do some startups flourish and others fail? How can you find and work with venture capitalists and angel investors? Stephanie Marrus and Relentless Recruiting teamed up to share proven insights about startup ventures in biotech, medical devices and pharmaceuticals in a webinar on January 21. About Stephanie Stephanie Marrus is passionate about starting mission-driven…

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‘Tis the season: Smile if you like your new sales quota

'Tis the Season | Relentless Recruiting

“Got my new sales quota and I’m going to call Relentless Recruiting to get me a new job.” Many medical companies hold their national sales meetings between January and March. During this time of year, we see through social media all the President’s Club winners posing with their trophies and huge smiles.  I’ll admit, I…

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Why the Hiring Process turns into a Clown Show (Part III)

Being a former sales medical leader, I personally made the mistake of hiring multiple recruiters but didn't know it was a mistake.

If you recall our last blog post, I talked about a couple of reasons why my hiring process was being hijacked by clowns. We learned that a communication breakdown can start at any part of the process, but the hardest one is that between the external recruiters and hiring managers. We also learned that some…

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Why the Hiring Process turns into a Clown Show (Part II)

If you recall our last blog post, I talked about one reason why my hiring process was being hijacked by clowns. We learned that most recruiters are not subject matter experts when it comes to recruiting sales professionals. If you have not led an elite medical sales team, it’s impossible to appreciate the nuances that…

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Medical Device Success Podcast Recap

Relentless Blog | Medical Device Success Podcast

We had a blast on the Medical Device Success podcast discussing sales super stars with Ted Newill. If you sign up for Ted’s MedTech Leaders community, he will donate the price of your membership ($15) to our Tunnels to Towers and Folds of Honor charities. The purpose of Ted’s MedTech Leaders group is to bring together medtech executives and sales and marketing…

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Why the Hiring Process turns into a Clown Show (Part 1)

When I was promoted to a medical sales manager, the first piece of advice I was given by my area director was, “Hire well and everything else will fall into place. Hire poorly and your life will become absolutely miserable.”  It sounded simple enough in theory, especially given my sales reps made $230k at plan…

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Beware of Buddy Hiring

Beware of Buddy Hiring | Relentless Recruiting

Is it ever a good idea for sales leaders to hire their former employees? Given my work experience, I am in a unique position and believe I can offer insight many people cannot. What makes me rare (maybe a little crazy) is I left an excellent career as a medical sales leader to become a…

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Medical CEOs: Help Me, Help You!

Help me, help you | Relentless Recruiting

My biggest challenge as an owner of a recruiting firm is getting medical company decision-makers to understand “the why” their sales managers ask them to enlist outside recruiters the second they have a vacant territory. The easiest way to describe “the why” is to understand the impact of the overall Return on Investment (ROI) an…

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